

The Little Apple: Ethnic Conflict, Educational Challenges, and Socioeconomic Struggles in a Bosnian Town—A Longitudinal Study.

Summary: “In Vares, promises outweigh prospects, and prospects outweigh production.” During the post-civil war period (i.e., since 1995), this phrase has become a virtual mantra for the central Bosnian town we call the “Little Apple.” The study is not theoretic but rather, represents an unusual (in the field of Bosnian ethnographic research) longitudinal community appraisal of persistence, survival, and “getting by” at the margins.

Authors: Peter W. Van Arsdale, Leslie P. Woodward, and Velma Saric

Published by: The Applied Anthropoligist, 2015, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 27–34.

Art & Reconciliation: Culture, Conflict and Community.

An interdisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative research project involving King’s College London, the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of the Arts London.

Art & Reconciliation: Conflict, Culture and Community is a research project that seeks to address the pressing need to develop understandings of the applications and implications of the use of the arts specifically within reconciliation processes and to develop better evaluation methods that capture the contribution of the arts to reconciliation. The aim is to move beyond advocating the value and contribution of the arts and to develop a richer articulation of how the arts function within reconciliation processes (Shank & Schirch 2008).

What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Summary: This Special Issue asks what creative approaches can do that conventional transitional justice mechanisms cannot. The article discusses two arts-based initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina — one involving the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one with a Bosnian peacebuilding organization, the Post Conflict Research Center.

Authors: Tiffany Fairey and Rachel Kerr

Published by: International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2020, Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 142–164.

Reconciliations Exhibition Catalogue.

Summary: RECONCILIATIONS was an exhibition of art work produced in response to a call to artists to investigate the concept and practice of reconciliation in relation to the Siege of Sarajevo.

Evaluation Report: Balkan Diskurs Youth Correspondents Programme, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Summary: This report details evaluative research on Balkan Diskurs Youth Correspondents Program (BDCYP) conducted over 2017-18. BDCYP is run by the Post Conflict Research Centre (PCRC). The evaluative research sought to explore how the program was experienced by the youth correspondent participants and whether (and how) it affected their attitudes towards reconciliation.

Authors: Tiffany Fairey

The Arts in Peace-building and Reconciliation: Mapping Practice.

Summary: This working report summarizes mapping research on the use of the arts in reconciliation and peacebuilding processes. It provides an overview of the key debates within the field and starts to map how we can differentiate between different forms of artistic peacebuilding practice.

Authors: Tiffany Fairey