The “Ordinary Heroes” film series depicts the real-life stories of Bosnian citizens, who, by choosing to rescue the “other”, became heroes in a time of war and genocide. Each 30-minute episode documents the testimonies of the rescuers and those they saved. The series provides an insight into the impact of rescuer behavior on the processes of reconciliation, peacebuilding and intercultural understanding. To date, the series consists of four episodes: “Mina and Ferid,” “Zoran and Azra,” “Jagoda and Hamdija,” and “Dorde and Salih.”

Two of the series’ episodes were selected for broadcast on Al Jazeera Balkans’ program “Regioskop”. Viewership statistics have estimated that the documentaries have now reached 2.1 million viewers across the Balkans region, making it one of the most successful programs on the Al Jazeera Balkans network to date. The series’ episode “Zoran & Azra” was also selected for broadcast on UNTV’s “21st Century” program and was distributed to 80 broadcasters around the world, including to Deutsche Welle, CUNY TV, and Turkish Radio Television. As a result, the episode reached approximately 370 million viewers worldwide.


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